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The choice of the preparation with which you will dilute the powder depends on how soon you are going to use the solution. Bactericidal water is water in which 0.9% benzyl alcohol is added, which prevents the development of bacteria in the water, so the drug can be administered without any fear even after a relatively long time of storage in diluted form-for about three weeks.

If there is enough growth hormone in one ampoule to use it for several weeks according to your dosages, then the best solution is to dilute it with bactericidal water. Usually in bodybuilding, dosages of 5-10 units are used, and one ampoule usually contains 10 units. Therefore, do not worry that any bacteria will start in the solution.

Choose what suits you best


  • Take a cotton swab, soak it in alcohol and wipe the rubber stopper of the growth hormone bottle and the ampoule with the liquid with which you will dilute the powder (bactericidal water, sterile water) with it.
  • Take a 3 ml syringe, put the needle on the syringe and collect the necessary amount of liquid to dilute the powder (you can also use an insulin syringe to set and inject water into a bottle with HGH, just do not inject with the same syringe). The amount does not really play a significant role, just make sure that you remember exactly how much liquid you used. The main rule is to use such an amount of liquid that will allow you to easily make measurements of the finished solution. For example: if you take 1 ml of liquid for 10 units of growth hormone powder, every 10 marks of the scale on the U100 type syringe will be equal to 1 unit of growth hormone.

If you take 2 ml of liquid for 10 units of growth hormone powder, every 20 marks of the scale on the U100 type syringe will be equal to 1 unit of growth hormone.

If you take 3 ml of liquid for 10 units of growth hormone powder, every 30 marks of the scale on the U100 type syringe will be equal to 1 unit of growth hormone.

  • Take the syringe into which you have collected the dilution liquid and inject it into the powder at such an angle that the needle touches the wall of the ampoule, and the liquid flows out of the needle not onto the powder, but flows down the wall of the ampoule. Take your time, inject the liquid slowly, gradually.
  • When all the dilution liquid is added to the growth hormone powder, gently twist the ampoule (DO NOT shake the ampoule with force) until the powder completely dissolves. After dilution, a clear liquid should be obtained in the ampoule. Growth hormone can be used. After dilution, you need to store growth hormone in the refrigerator. If you used bactericidal water to dilute growth hormone, then the drug can be used for three weeks. If you used sterile water, then the drug can be used for 5 days.
  • We used 1 cube (ml) of liquid for dilution. Our ampoule contains 10 units of growth hormone.

From our formula above, we already know that 1 cube = 100 units of dilution liquid.

Now we need to divide 100 units (the amount of fluid) by 10 units (the amount of growth hormone):

100 units /10 units = 10

10 is perfectly suitable for the scale of the U100 type insulin injection syringe. In our example, every 10 marks on the scale of an insulin syringe will be equal to 1 unit of growth hormone. Do you want to introduce 2 units of Growth Hormone? Then fill the syringe with so much solution that it reaches the mark 20 on the scale of the syringe for injecting insulin.