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Growth hormone is quite popular among professionals and sports enthusiasts today. However, recently, more and more people have begun to talk about side effects and the dangers of using this drug, while the information is quite contradictory.

Some experts consider growth hormone to be one of the most effective means for prolonging life, others argue that it is very harmful to our body. Let's try to understand this controversial issue!

Physiological effects of growth hormone.

Growth hormone prevents the development of a large number of destructive processes in the human body and stimulates regenerative ones. Many reputable scientists claim that under the influence of growth hormone, the body is rejuvenated for 10-20 years:

  • the bone system is strengthened;
  • fat deposits are converted into muscles;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • mental abilities increase;
  • the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases;
  • sexual activity increases



 It is known that human growth hormone increases performance, stimulates the synthesis of collagen in skeletal muscles and tendons, thereby increasing muscle strength and endurance. In one of the issues of the International Endocrinological Journal, the results of studies were published, in which 14 healthy men aged 50 to 70 years took part. They received growth hormone for 6 months. After six months, their muscle strength significantly increased. In adults with HGH deficiency after prolonged hormone therapy, the researchers noted the normalization of muscle strength, endurance and improved thermoregulation.


 This hormone is also responsible for mineral metabolism and the condition of bone tissue. Studies show that the introduction of HGH accelerates bone regeneration after fractures. In addition, it can be useful for the elderly, whose bone tissue is less durable and easier to undergo fractures. Experts also noted the positive effect of HGH on the wound healing process, in particular in elderly people.


HGH accelerates the process of splitting fats. This was confirmed by the results of a study in which 24 obese people participated. For 12 weeks, half of them followed a low-calorie diet and took growth hormone, the rest only limited the calorie content of their daily diet. According to the results of the experiment, it turned out that weight loss in those who took HRH passes faster by 1.6 times. At the same time, most of the lost weight fell on visceral fat, which was not observed in people from the control group. Another difference between the groups: those who did not take hormones during weight loss lost not only fat, but also muscle mass. In people who follow hormone therapy, muscle mass, on the contrary, increased.


 Adults with growth hormone deficiency have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Swedish scientists came to this conclusion after studying the health status of over a hundred patients. Against the background of a lack of hormone, they had an increased body weight, as well as excessively high cholesterol levels, which worsens the work of the cardiological system.


 Scientific studies have proven that human growth hormone is also responsible for the reproductive function and sexual desire in men. A lack of HGH can cause a decrease in libido and erectile dysfunction. The truth of this theory was confirmed during an experiment in which 45 men with erectile dysfunction participated. After taking a course of hormone therapy, the work of the reproductive system improved in 90% of them.

  1. Lithuanian experts have found confirmation that taking growth hormone can improve a person's mood and cognitive abilities, his concentration. At least, this is exactly the result that scientists noticed in patients who took HGH for 6 months.