What types of cabergoline are exist and is it safe to take?

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Cabergoline is an agent for reducing prolactin in the body and getting rid of the related risks. An increase in the amount of prolactin in the body of athletes occurs due to the use of certain steroids, and cabergoline balances the body state. It is taken during a course of steroids or post-cycle therapy.

How does cabergoline works? It activates D2 receptors located on the lactotrophic cells of the pituitary gland. Excitation of dopamine receptors in this zone reduces the secretory function of prolactin-producing cells. It also interacts with many other receptors, which has a positive effect on many aspects of human life.

Cabegoline types

There are several names of the drug on the market, and the novice consumer is asked questions of choice. For example, the question is often encountered: "Which is better, Cabergoline or Dostinex?" The answer is very simple. Dostinex is cabergoline, namely one of the drugs based on this active substance. It is widely known, popular, effective and practically; "Dostinex" is synonymous with cabergoline today. Dostinex is the proven gold standard in case you want to buy cabergoline without wasting time for choosing.

However, whatever the name of the cabergoline well-known analogs, they are all characterized by a high quality of use.

  • Directly, Dostinex: made in Italy, by Pfizer. Contains 8 tablets of 0.5 mg. Dostinex consists of cabergolin, lactose, leucine.
  • Bergolak is made in Russia. Contains 8 tablets of 0.5 milligrams.
  • Cabaser is made in Italy by Pfizer. Tablet contains 1 milligram of the active ingredient.
  • Agaltex is produced in the Czech Republic. Contains active substance, in the amount of 2 or 8 pieces of 0.5 milligrams.
  • Alacting form and composition are identical to Agaltex. The manufacturer is Teva.
  • Caberlin contains 2 tablets of 0.25 mg or 8 tablets of 0.25 mg. Caberlin is the least popular analogue of cabergoline.

There are also drugs with other names, since cabergoline is very relevant. Many manufacturers buy licenses for the production of drugs with this active substance in the base. When choosing, it is better to give preference to proven solutions in order to avoid health risks. Check manufacturers and suppliers.

The risks of cabergoline use

If you choose the right dosage, side effects are absent almost always. Based on the reviews, some people complain about poor appetite and loss of mood. In fact, it may be due to the wrong drug intake, even if the dosage is observed.

All the problems are related to its overdose. What problems can be in case you use too much cabergoline (0.5 mg / 1 tablet is a normal dose)?

  • Violation of the digestive system (occurs most often): constipation, dyspepsia, nausea.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Nervous diseases: depression, distortion of consciousness, insomnia.
  • Negative reaction of the immune system (rare): hypersensitivity, skin rash;
  • Violation of the hematopoietic system (rare);
  • Problems with the respiratory system: nosebleeds, shortness of breath, pulmonary fibrosis.

If such symptoms appear, then you should stop using cabergoline and consult a doctor.

Also, there are several categories of people for whom the use of this active substance is prohibited in principle:

  • pregnant women;
  • people with problems in the work of the lungs and heart, as well as suffering from high blood pressure;
  • any person with hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • people for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • those ones with psychosis;
  • people with violation of the liver and kidney failure.

The requirements for taking cabergoline (bodybuilding cases and other situations both) are fairly obvious. If you stick to them correctly, the result will be positive. In any controversial situations, it is better to contact a specialist in this matter for clarification.